(1) Demography (census)
- Present population: 70,000 people
- Population growth rate: 1.8- 2.13%
- Number of houses: 11,691
- Primary economic activity: agriculture
(2) Clinics under the District Health Office
- Mother and child
- Jeniang Health Clinic
- Gulau Health Clinic
- Disease Control
- School Health
(3) Budget and Allocation- Modified Budgeting System (MBS)
- District Health Officer is the Controlling Officer
- The controlling officer determines the performance of his department in terms of output and impact
- A ‘Program Agreement’ is the document that records inputs, outputs and impact of an activity
- Controlling Officers are given greater power in the utilization of the organization’s resources- ‘Let Managers Manage’
- ‘Local Purchase Order’ is issued for every transaction
(4) Departments under the DHO and their Roles
a) Food safety and quality (FQS)
- Carry out food sampling
- Review public complaints
- Issue ‘Health Certificate’
- Evaluate food premise hygiene by conducting premise and food handling checks and closure of unhealthy premises
- Assess workers’ health
- School check
- Investigate local disturbance complaints
- ‘Health Setting’ project
- Monitor pin-prick incidence among staffs
- Construct proper toilet (‘tandas curah’)
- Solid waste disposal (Sistem Pelupusan Sisa Pepejal- SPSP)
- Liquid waste disposal (Sistem Pelupusan Air Simbah- SPAL)
- Provide community water source:
- Gravity feed system
-Controlled well
d) Vector Disease Control Unit
- Dengue fever control
- Malaria control
- Filariasis control
- Data submission to Vekpro
- Eradication of vectors through Destruction of Disease Bearing Insects Act 1975 (DDBI)
- Contact tracing, monitor AGE cases
- Key data into CDIS
- Receive notification of communicable disease cases
- Water sampling
- Millipore test
- Carry out hygiene research
- Investigate HIV/AIDS and STD cases
- Contact tracing
- Carry out PROSTAR
- Conduct HIV training modules
- Provide materials for health exhibition and health talks
- Investigate public complaints
- Enforcement of Tobacco regulation
- Kindergarten hygiene
- Haj pilgrims health check
- DDBIA 1975
- Food Act 1983
- Tobacco regulation (Peraturan-peraturan Kawalan Hasil Tembakau, PPKHT 1993)
- ‘Investigation Paper’
- Testimony in court
- Prepare and Issue summons
- Closure of unhygienic premises under Section 11 of the Food Act 1983
prepared by,
Isaiah Ooi
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