As per all the other days, we were given a talk on BAKAS and its programmes by PPKP Mr. Asri bin Harun. Firstly, allow me to enlighten you that BAKAS stands for Bekalan Air & Kebersihan Alam Sekeliling. BAKAS comes under the Health Engineering unit. Geographically, Sik District in one of the largest districts in the state of Kedah, however, due to its geographical consideration as well as the development status, clean and safe water supply to the residents is still greatly insufficient.
The roles of BAKAS are:
1. Construction of water supply system
2. Construction of proper sanitation system
3. Maintenance of these systems
The main objectives are:
1. To prevent and control communicable (water borne) diseases such as diarrhoea, dysentry, Hepatitis A, cholera and typhoid fever amongst the rural community
2. By means of upgrading the cleanliness of the environment and water quality control through good sanitation and basic clean water supply system.
There are 2 main BAKAS projects which are Projek Kemudahan Bekalan Air Masyarakat (BAM) and Gravity Feed System. Another programme is also done by them which is Sambungan paip SADA/KKM.
The water system which had been installed in Sik with the rally round of BAKAS Unit is the Gravity Feed System.
Gravity Feed System
Gravity Feed System is the system which in used the gravity force to draw the clean water from a higher areas (water fall, lake…) to a lower ones, the reservoir, then to the villagers and kept for daily usage. However, the water is not treated. This system had supplied daily water usage to the villagers since decades ago and it still being used until the district had received the water pipe construction from the Jabatan Kerja Raya.
A single dam can supply around 70-80 houses with direct fresh water supply.
Under this programme, BAKAS constructs treated wells for the villagers which use an electric pump. Fully sponsored by the government with a subsidy of RM1500 per treated well. However, due to its cost, only 3 houses get this facility per year.
This plan is for those around the main pipes but could not afford it or did not do their piping previously. They too are given a government subsidy.
Twice a year, BAKAS members monitor wells for microbes and once a year they monitor dams for microbes and leptospirosis.
An electric pump protected from the sun and rain.
Besides constructing water supply system, BAKAS unit also facilitate the residents in Sik to build a proper sanitation system. Sanitation is the provision of facilities and services for the safe disposal of human urine and faeces.
Types of Sanitation System:
Pour-Flush Type Latrine
In Sik, most of the latrines which had been constructed by the villagers and with the aid from the BAKAS unit are the pour flush type latrines. This project is however only for those who are eligible and subsidised (RM 900) by the Ministry of Health.
Pour-flush leaching pit latrines overcome the problems of flies, mosquitoes and odour by having a pan with a water seal (ring cock) in the defecation hole. The excreta deposited in the latrine pan are flushed by pouring 2 to 3 litres of water into it. Water remains in the ring cock conduit blocking air flow and odour. The mixture is directed into a pit and organic wastes are biodegraded. Once the latrine is full, it will be sealed and a new latrine will be build for future usage. It usually takes 10-20 years for a normal latrine to be full.
Newly build pour flush latrine
Terms and Condition for those who are eligible to be recruited into the subsidisation programme:
Those who are included in the list Program Perumahan Rakyat Termiskin (PPRT) or Development Programme for The Poor.
Groups of poor people who are not included in the list of PPRT - but have a family income of RM 350.00 and below per month.
The elderly, single women and disabled
Houses in the area capable of an outbreak of food-borne diseases / water.
Low-moving society that found the health education activities are still not able to change the attitude to build its own sanitary facilities.
Sincerely by: Merlinda Shazellenne :)
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