There are numerous activities done by this unit which i will further explain about :
Program Sihat Untuk Remaja ,(Pro-Star)
STD( Sexually transmitted Disease)
Awareness regarding the methods of managing a HIV/AIDS patients dead body
Methadone Treatment Plan
Raising Awareness amongst the school students
Preparing Various Reports :
Monthly HIV and AIDS report
National Disease Burden Report
Introduced by KKM to tackle Drug abuse related problems among the youngsters.
Ò13-25 OLD
ÒPRS (Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya)
ÒFormula PROSTAR :
( / ) BAHAGI tanggungjawab
( X ) GANDAKAN usaha
( - ) TOLAK risiko
= Healthy Living without AIDS
So Who are the target Group ?
Secondary school Students
Fresh school graduates
University Students
Troubled teenagers
Weekly, Club activities are organized by the PPKP and supervised by the teachers involved
Regarding STD There were also many programs Organized to create awareness
Raise awareness in schools and in health Campaigns
Methods to prevent
Ways to Identify (Clinical Features )
Chancre, Vesicles ,Virginal Discharge
Screening via Forms given to students to be filled up
They also organize, courses regarding how to manage a HIV/AIDS Dead Body to the local people who
is in charge of bathing the dead body.
To prevent the handlers to be infected by HIV
To ensure that, body is properly taken care of
Info : It’s a National Offence to have not reported a death of a HIV patient.
Frequent visits to the Bathing ceremony (Muslims)
They also offer, Methadone treatment for those who require the drug. However, they have to mee
several requirements before being able to consume the drugs.
95 receivers of which
65 active Remaining passive
Proper treatment is given to those whom are deserving only
Passive drug abusers although registered, will be weaned of because of lack of participation in programs
Cleaning the DHO
Attending course
Attending camps
They also go to schools and get the students involved by organizing various activities such as :
Combination with Health Promotion Unit and Primer Unit
Involve all secondary schools 200+ schools in SIK
World Aids Day
World HIV Day
Awareness regarding consequences of HIV/AIDS
They also prepare various reports and documentations which in return is sent to the KKM for statistical purposes
Investigation Form to KKM
HIV/AIDS marriage list
Monthly HIV/AIDS/ and Death related to the above
National Disease Burden
Modified syndromic approach (MSA)
Pregnant Mother’s Investigation to Detect
That is about all i guess, I thank the Community medicine department for giving us this
wonderful opportunity to travel to SIK because we truly learnt a lot.
Sabbitan Balakrishnan
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