Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 10 Sik District- Nutrition

We were introduced to the Nutrition Unit by the head of the unit with her designated post as Pegawai Zat Makanan (Nutrition Officer).

Nutrition Unit play an important role in Health Education as well as Health Promotion. These are the main objectives of the unit whereby the service is provided from infant level towards geriatric level.

Generally, organisation of Nutrition Department could be divided into 4 levels:
(1) Ministry of Health
(2) State
(3) District
(4) Clinic
The head of the whole Nutrition Department is Ketua Pengarah Pemakanan (Director of Nutrition). He will be assisted by Penolong Pengarah Pemakanan (Assistant Director of Nutrition) from 3 main division, namely- Planning and Development, Health Promotion and Rehabilitation. Previously, the Clinic is not included in the Nutrition Department. However, as the under-nutrition cases is rising, they established clinics to curb with this issue.

The Nutrition Unit however is independent from other unit in the district health department. They do not have their permanent staff nurses or assistants working under the unit. The manpower will be depend on the respective health promotion itself. For example, if it is a breastfeeding awareness programme, their assistant will be staff nurses from Maternal and Child Health Division.

We were introduced with several programme which were held by the Nutrition Unit such as Bakul Makanan (Foods Basket), Dapur Sihat Masyarakat (Healthy Kitchen), Breastfeeding Programme. The Nutrition Unit also collaborate with other department such as the Non-Communicable Disease Unit in certain programme such as Prevention of Obesity where proper dietary advices is delivered to the public.

There is also a District Specific Approach which plays a role in nutrition research purposes.

Foods Basket Programme is launched in coping with under-nutrition/ malnutrition cases in the district. The distribution of this Foods Basket is in accordance to a specific guideline. For further information, you can access to

Foods Basket

Content of Foods Basket

Content of Foods Basket

Dietary Guideline

Dietary Guideline

By Tham Min

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