Saturday, November 19, 2011

Kuala Muda District Office - Day 1

We group G2 begin our community medicine posting at 8am on the 16th of November 2011 at the Kuala Muda district health office. Our group consists of a total of 11 students and our student advisor, Dr. Tenggi.

We begin our posting with a short welcome speech by Mr Haji Bakri followed with breakfast which was prepared by the hospital staff for us all. Following that was a briefing about the programs that were planned for us throughout the 4 week posting.

Mr. Haji Bakri also showed us a power point show regarding the functions and also the health facilties of the district health organization in the Kedah state.

The functions include :


- Human Resource / Service

- Finance Department

Environmental Health

- Disease Control (CDC)

- Food Quality Control (KMAM)- Vector Borne Disease Control (VEKTOR)

- Water and Sanitation (BAKAS)

- Environmental Occupational Health (KPAS)

Family Health

- Maternal and Child Health Care

- Primary Health Care

Heath Education

The health facilities in the Kedah state :

Health Office Sungai Petani

10 Health Centers

- KK Merbok

- KK Bedong

- KK Sungai Lalang

- KK Bukit Selambau

- KK Kota Kuala Muda

- KK Bakar Arang

- KK Bandar Sungai Petani

- KIA Sungai Petani

- Klinik 1 Malaysia

22 Community Health Clinics (KD)

Lastly before we left the seminar room, we were all given a schedule each for the rest of our community medicine posting at Kuala Muda district from November 16 up to the 6th of December 2011.

Prepared by,

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