Friday, December 9, 2011


water sampling bag.

How it is done.......

Collecting water for the INSITU testing
  1. 4 samples is collected from a water sources.
  2. For testing the temperature and pH, water is collected in 2 different cup. The instrument that measure pH and temperature must be wast with saline water.
  3. The instrument for measuring both parameters are insert into the cups. Wait for few
    minutes, the result will be out.
4. For measuring the turbidity, water sample is collected in a small bottle. A special tissue is used to clean the bottle surface to avoid contamination.
5. The bottle is put into the instrument to measure the turbidity.

this is the instrument for measuring the turbidity.

6. For measuring the chlorine level, step number 4 is repeated.
7. An agent free-DPD is mix in the bottle to check for presence of chlorine. If there is present of chlorine the colour of the water will change into pink whereas there is no chlorine in the water, the water will be colourless.
8. Then the bottle will put into the instrument for measuring chlorine level.

picture on the
left shows the free-DPD agent.
picture on the right shows the change of the colour of the water.

Collecting water for laboratory testing.
  1. First let the water flow for 3 to 5 minutes and then close the taps.
  2. sanitize the taps with sanitizer or blow torch.
  3. then turn on the tap and let the water flow for 3 to 5 minutes. Meanwhile, sanitize your hands with hand sanitizer.
  4. open the whirls bags carefully without touching the top cover. Restrain yourself from talking. It is to avoid the sample is contaminated from saliva.
  5. collect 4oz of water into the bag which contain thiosulphate which neutralize the chlorine in the water.
  6. seal the bag by twisting the top and tie it up.
  7. put it into the air seal big to avoid contamination of whirls bag or accidental of whirls bag burst.
  8. the sample is put into a container which contain ice.It is to maintain the temperature 4°C.
  9. it is to prevent the microorganism from multiplying. The sample is send to the chemistry laboratory in Alor Star.

pictures on the right shows how water is collected
picture on the left shows the whirls bags.

this the form where all the data and result is recorded.

done by Tan Yi Shan

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